
How to Identify Scam Tokens in Decentralized Exchanges

Cryptocurrencies had evolutionalized a long way since the initial introduction of Bitcoin by the unknown creator Satoshi Nakamato. The prosperity of the ecosystems from digital assets introduced centralized exchanges (CEX), decentralized exchanges (DEX) which faciliated cryptocurrency trading without the transfering their custody of the digital assets to escrows, aimed for elimination of security and privacy issues that arised from traditional CEX...

Do Top Companies Hire Hackers and Why

If you wonder why top companies hire hackers and why will they do that? Our direct answer to you for this is that they do. At the very least, you may refer to these hackers as cyber security specialists or bug bounty hunters. For instance, to identify scam tokens…

How to Hire a Hacker to Hack a Celebrity

Celebrities, also known as social media influencers have been the target of hackers for a long time. We will not recommend that you initiate offensive attacks against a celebrity for unethical reasons. But if you want to do that, we understand that you have your vendetta with the target. Most will say you can’t affect a celebrity through hacking, which is not true. We will share some tips on how to hire a hacker to hack a celebrity account or Instagram, or the entire identity today…

Hire a Hacker without Upfront Payments

Online purchases without a reputable platform for both goods and services always had hidden associated risks for the buyers. For example, hiring a hacker without upfront payments had always been something that many wished for, but never existed. However, Hafnium Hackers decided to create the non-existent into existence, today…