
These Terms and Conditions of Usage and Service (hereinafter referred as “Terms“), govern the relationship between Hafnium Hackers Group (hereinafter referred as “Hafnium“), and any person (the “User“) accessing the website www.dehackteam.com (the “Website“). By using the Website in any way, and/or initiating a communication engagement, Users confirm that they have read and accept all the Terms of Usage and Service written herein.


1. General Provisions

1.1. Hafnium is the Website administrator and coverage

1.2. Ultimately with these Terms, Hafnium will provision the Users with access and usage of the Website and Service, only after the establishment of a mutual agreement (“the Contract”) when applicable within the limits established in context by these Terms.

1.3. Hafnium reserve the rights to update, modify and revise any Terms unilaterally at its own discretion, with no prior notice to Users.. The valid revision of the Terms will be posted on the Website, the revised Terms will only take effect after twenty-four (24) hours of publication on the webste.

2. Intellectual Property

2.1. Hafnium is the owner of exclusive rights and the rights of use regarding the Website in general. Inclusive but not restricted to any results of intellectual activity posted on the Wesbite. Results of intellectual activity include: texts (including research reports, theoritical articles), press releases, various publications, other texts, photographs, diagrams, graphics (including graphic drawings), images (including logos), software (including source and object code), vdeos, audio recordings, any copyrighted objects, databases, trademarks and service marks, the location of the listed objects, the Website design (inclusive but not restricted to appearance, color scheme, and structure), as well as these Terms and any other object(the “Content”).

2.2. Users undertake to respect Hafnium’s rights to the Content and refrain from any actions that, directly or indirectly, violate Hafnium rights to the Content or contribute to third parties violating any such rights.

2.3. Users agree to not manipulate our services or leverage upon tools or codes that might be provided to users in order to cause any damage or result in financial, resources, assets losses against the Russian Federation or CIS.

2.4. If a user violates Hafnium’s rights to the Content, Hafnium will enforce actions without any further user privacy or online activities non-interferance as originally constituted in our service procedures, to initiate any form of retribution inclusive but not limited to court proceedings against the violator as part of a pre-trial settlement of the dispute and request that the violator eliminates the violation, reimburses losses, and pays the fine specified in these Terms of Use. In such cases, Hafnium will also have the right to apply for the protection of its rights and interests in court and other state bodies in order to enforce the User’s liabilities provided for by law, including the recovery of compensation.

3. Use of the Website or Service

3.1 Users are granted the rights to use the Website Content without geographical restrictions, including by reviewing Content and quoting articles, analytical materials, reports and other types of literacy works posted on the Website, to the extend justified by the legitimate purpose of quoting. In such cases, links to the Website must be indicated as sources and authors and copyright holders must be clearly mentioned in a clearly human readable position.

3.2 Users that engage Service provision by Hafnium must understand clearly of their requested service’s nature and implication. Hafnium while do provide legal advices and counselling to the best of our knowledge, with clear statement that we do not provide recognized legal advices; however Hafnium conduct and practice services without question of the nature or intention prolong the contractual agreement is established.

4. Hafnium Research

4.1. Any research, including Hafnium reports, posted on the Website is subject to copyright, relates to the Website Content, and is protected by intellectual property law(the “Report(s)”).

4.2. Users are prohibited from copying, distributing in whole or in part (including by copying to other websites and online resources), and using information from Reports in any way without Hafnium’s prior written consent. If a User violates Hafnium’s intellectual rights to the Reports, Hafnium will have the right to initiate a pre-trial dispute settlement procedure, as specified in clause 10.4 of the Terms of Use. If a dispute cannot be resolved out of court, Hafnium will have the right to apply for the protection of its rights and interests in court and/or other state competent bodies, enforcing the User’s liabilities in accordance with the law.

4.3. Hafnium informs Users that Hafnium’s Reports are meant for an international readership and are not intended to cause any harm to anyone’s honor, dignity, or business reputation. Reports are provided for informational purposes only.

4.4. In order to comply with legislation on personal data, all personal data used in Reports, including names and any other information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual, are either fictitious or Hafnium has obtained the individual’s consent to disclose the personal data.

4.5. The conclusions contained in Reports are made by Hafnium specialists after analyzing information obtained from open sources. Any conclusions in no way represent official positions of competent bodies (including law enforcement agencies of any jurisdiction) and are not recognized as evidence in court and other cases considered by government bodies.

5. Confidentiality

5.1. Messages sent by Users through Website forms (Incident Report Form, Newsletter Subscription Form, Information/Services Forms) or sent to Hafnium’s email address are confidential information and their content cannot be disclosed by Hafnium, except in cases when: the User who sent the message asked personally in writing to disclose the message content to a third party or the general public; disclosing the message content is required by a government body, within the limits allowed in accordance with applicable law; access to the message content is provided to technical support and maintenance service providers provided that a confidentiality agreement has been concluded with them.

5.2. Hafnium uses information about User actions solely to improve the Website’s operation.

6. Governing law and dispute resolution

6.1. These Terms and any other relations between the Parties arising from the use of the Website are governed by the jurisdiction of Russian Federation.